Medical Facilities
While Malcolm, Nebraska does not contain any large medical facilities, the community has devised ways to maintain a medical presence which can quickly become active in case of an emergency. Malcolm has approximately 15 trained Emergency Medical Technicians within city limits. Several of these workers are also members of the Malcolm Volunteer Fire Department which is usually a first responder to local emergencies.
Should the assistance of a professional medical facility become necessary, Malcolm residents generally travel to Lincoln which is just 12 miles south of the village. Lincoln contains a variety of medical services. Facilities present in Lincoln, Nebraska include several hospitals. Among these are St. Elizabeth Community Health Center, BryanLGH Health Center (An East and West facility), as well as a Veterans hospital known as the Veterans Administration Medical Center and a rehabilitation facilty commonly called Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital. The general care and veterans care hospitals provide assistance to patients by using facilities such as helicopter transportation, Intensive Care wards, gynecology, pediatrics, pathology, and radiology. These services form a medical care system which adequately serves Lincoln, Malcolm, and surrounding communities.
Seward, located 12 miles west of Malcolm, also offers medical service in the form of Seward Memorial Hospital.

Check Out Our Local Medical Provider Listings
Bryan Medical Center
East Campus
1600 S 48th St
Lincoln, NE 68506
(402) 481-1111
View Website
Bryan Medical Center
West Campus
2300 S 16th St,
Lincoln, NE 68502
(402) 481-1111
View Website
CHI Health St. Elizabeth
555 S. 70th Street
Lincoln, NE 68510
(402) 219-8000
Lincoln VA Clinic
600 S. 70th St.
Lincoln, NE 68510
(402) 489-3802
View Website
Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital
5401 South St.
Lincoln, NE 68506
(402) 413-3000
View Website
Omaha VA Medical Center
4101 Woolworth Ave
Ste 4199
Omaha, NE 68105
(800) 451-5796
View Website
Seward Memorial Hospital
300 N. Columbia Ave.
Seward, NE 68434
(402) 643-2971
View Website